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Q&A on Scenario Modeling with Chris Urbanus of Burgess
Last month we sat down with Chris Urbanus, Director of Energy Services at Burgess, to discuss their business and how they leverage Ekotrope's Scenario Modeling tool to provide faster and more comprehensive guidance to their builders. You can read the highlights from our conversation here.
What Has Changed in Version 4.1?
We recently released our newest version, 4.1, in Beta! This new version includes support for updated heat pump Federal Minimum efficiencies, the updated version of the DOE ZERH Target Home (Rev 8), improvements to our duct calculations, and other bug fixes. Check out the full list of changes here.
November Utility Programs Update
With only a few months left of 2022, we want to recap some of the programs we’ve been working on throughout the fall. It’s been a busy few months with new program launches, program updates, and updating the app to accommodate industry changes. Here’s a quick overview of some of the larger projects we’ve completed since August.
What’s the Value of 45L to Utilities?
The opportunities that the 45L Tax Credit provides for raters, builders, and even building product manufacturers is clear. But, for utilities, the situation is a bit more nuanced. While it will require a more involved strategy, we anticipate that utility new construction programs will be able to leverage the 45L Tax Credit to increase program visibility and participation, in addition to other ancillary benefits.
3 Steps for Product Manufacturers to Get More Builder Leads
Growing a successful building product manufacturing business is more difficult than ever, but our 3 step process for attracting and winning more builder customers is designed to take your marketing and sales strategies to the next level.
Ekotrope’s Scenario Modeling Solution for Product Manufacturers
Discover the value of scenario modeling for business product manufacturers with Ekotrope. Our builder portfolio comparison tool helps you connect with the right builders and provide value with insightful business analytics. Learn more with Ekotrope!
Streamlining 45L Reporting with Ekotrope’s 45L Analysis Support Service
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 has retroactively extended the previous version of the 45L Tax Credit to cover all homes purchased through the end of 2022. We see 19,798 energy models that pass 45L which have not downloaded their 45L compliance report. We are offering a turnkey analysis and report printing service for the 45L Tax Credit. By opting in to this service, you can save time and ensure your builders don’t leave any money on the table.
The Impacts of SEER2 and HSPF2
At the start of this 2022, it was announced that the SEER2 and HSPF2 product regulations go into effect January 1, 2023. The DOE determined that changes to the test procedure to better represent the average use cycle were warranted. They also determined that higher efficiency levels were technologically feasible and economically justified. As a result, there are a variety of changes that make the regulations more stringent and will impact modeling heating and cooling equipment in Ekotrope RATER.
Innovating the Development of New Homes Programs
The process of developing an effective new homes program however, is a tedious and difficult task. There are a lot of factors involved, and selecting the specific program requirements as well as the associated incentive amounts are difficult choices to make - made even more difficult because those decisions have huge financial impacts. Scenario Modeling can model how any individual or set of changes will impact the energy efficiency performance of recently constructed homes in your territory. This tool takes the guesswork out of developing and implementing a successful new homes program.
The New 45L Tax Credit: What is it and How to Prepare
The version of the 45L Tax Credit that our industry has leveraged for over 15 years expired on December 31, 2021, meaning that there is no active 45L Tax Credit for homes built and sold in 2022. The new 45L Tax Credit - if the bill passes - will be extended for 10 years, using Energy Star and the DOE’s Net Zero Ready Home program as baselines for eligibility.
Identify the Right Builders for Your Products
Whether you’re struggling to branch out of your local market, or looking to expand your contacts throughout the US, it can be challenging for Building Product Manufacturers to know which are the right builders to connect with to make a real impact on your bottom line. The solution to overcoming these challenges is Ekotrope’s suite of data products, including SmartSearch Prospecting.
Utility Programs Update
It’s hard to believe that we’re half way through 2022, but it makes sense when we look back at all the work we’ve done over the past few months. As we close out this past quarter, we’re excited to share some of the utility program updates that have been done over the last 3 months.
Eliminate Duplicate Data Entry in Your Inspection Workflow
The issue of duplicate data entry in the field data collection process is one that pervades throughout the rating industry. It’s tedious, time-consuming, and prone to error. Eliminating duplicate data entry from process would save you time, money and unnecessary headaches. That’s why we’ve developed Inspection Sync! Read more to learn about how it works and to check out a step-by-step tutorial for easily integrating it with your existing workflow.
EkoStats: Unlocking the Power of Marketing Intelligence
The demand for and interest in energy-efficient homes continue to rise here in North America, and thus, targeted marketing and advertising for products that can boost efficiency are becoming increasingly important. Finding the right market, the right messaging, and the right advertising channels can feel like a guessing game for many building product manufacturers who could benefit from industry-specific home rating data across the entire US.
Section 45L Tax Credit - Past, Present, and Future
45L is a hot topic throughout the construction industry as many raters and builders strive to ensure their projects meet its requirements. Since its inception, the 45L Tax Credit has allowed builders to claim a $2,000 tax credit per qualifying home; however, there is currently no active 45L Tax Credit for homes built and sold in 2022. It's very likely that the reconciliation packaged formerly known as the Build Back Better plan will revamp 45L and potentially increase the available credit per home.
750,000 HERS Ratings Completed in Ekotrope RATER!
Our team is very excited to share that we have officially eclipsed 750,000 HERS Ratings completed in Ekotrope RATER. Our team has been working tirelessly to continue to improve the application for all of our customers and we are so grateful to all of you who trust us with your livelihood each day. We are committed to developing tools that make your work easier and that aid you in supporting your builders needs. Thank you all for your continued support!
Utility Programs Update - April 2022
It’s been a busy few months here at Ekotrope as we build out new programs for 2022. We’re excited to share some updates on the work we’ve been doing behind the scenes as we hope it will make running these programs easier for our utility partners and easier for our raters to submit their models.
Peak kW Calculations in Ekotrope RATER
Peak demand is a popular buzzword these days as utilities navigate managing their customers’ energy needs, grid infrastructure, and energy efficiency goals. Managing these three different factors can be tricky as they all have their own unique challenges. But, understanding peak demand can help. Predicting when customers might use the most energy can help utilities plan infrastructure and shift loads to ensure power demand is met.
Why Aren’t we Installing More Air Source Heat Pumps?
While air-source heat pumps (ASHPs) are the second most popular heating system for new construction homes in the U.S. they still only account for about a quarter of all heating systems in homes submitted via Ekotrope RATER. As we continue to strive to meet our nation’s goals for efficiency and electrification, ASHPs will be an increasingly important piece of that puzzle. We’re diving into why ASHPs are so underutilized and how we can change it.
Ekotrope Now Supports the Mass Save® All-Electric Home Incentive
Ekotrope has partnered with the Sponsors of Mass Save® to boost the success of their All Electric Homes Program by adding program qualifications to Ekotrope RATER. The goal of the program is to encourage and support building innovation so that more homes can reach net zero and help reach our carbon reduction goals.